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Be more like Charlie Woods with this on course performance hack.

Foto van schrijver: Liesbeth Pauwels Liesbeth Pauwels

It takes 450 milliseconds to complete the swing, from the top into impact.

The club is traveling at a speed of 50 mph to more than 100 mph.

With an average of 100 short bursts of intense power while swinging the club during an 18-holes round. This is one part.

The other part of the game involves long periods of inaction. This is where I want you to bring your attention to:

The time in between the shots.

Why? Because how we spend that time has a direct effect on our score and overall performance.

Being proactive about your physical state on the golf course is one of the easiest skills (and Charlie Woods owns that skill). But, you have to take full responsibility for yourself. You need hydration and fuel to keep your energy levels up for four or five hours. You need to keep your joints and muscles loose, and maintain good balance and movement, to swing the club well.

Where to look next?

Well, the following questions will take you in the right direction:

  • Are you carrying a bag or pushing a trolley?

  • Are you putting yourself under unfair mental pressure to make a certain score?

  • How are you standing while waiting on the teebox?

  • How are you moving around the green?

  • Can you be more proactive when it comes to tight muscles by adding a few simple stretches in between holes?

  • What’s your body language on the course? How does it make you feel?

  • Do your scores rise if your energy falls?

  • Do you only display negative emotions but always neglect to show positive ones?

  • Do you have any common tension spots in your body? How do they effect your emotions on the course?

When moving around the green, one particular asset I like to highlight that is extremely helpful to maintain great rotational core power is to bend from the hips and knees instead of bending from the lower back. (see the image below). Along with awareness and management of adrenaline, these relatively simple things will determine the success of every drive, fairway shot, pitch, chip, and putt.

Because I know you will never look at the game the same anymore after this! Because I know you don’t want to be that passive golfer. You want to be more like Charlie Woods. Stay proactive. It’s what all successful golfers do. They are golfers in motion. They aren’t afraid to take massive action.

Are you still looking to kickstart or upgrade your golf fitness training for 2021? Exciting news because I'm offering the online training course 'Fundamental Routines' for a (limited time only!) discount. You see, after coaching golfers professionally for over a decade, I realised these fitness and yoga exercises are at the heart of a strong and active golfers lifestyle. With over 2 hours of specific exercises for golfers that don't destroy the swing or game but are there for you to prevent injuries and improve performance.

Over 2 Hours of Specific Golf Fitness Exercises

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Keep strong! Liesbeth Pauwels

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