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These are 4 of my golf coaching principles.

Foto van schrijver: Liesbeth Pauwels Liesbeth Pauwels

Coaching strength & conditioning in Golf.

It’s my passion & profession.

Here are my 4 of my fundamental coaching principles.

For any (aspiring) coach in this field, I hope it may bring you inspiration. I wish you a similarly enjoyable journey as I have enjoyed in coaching golfers and application of the principles to reduce pain and enhance performance.

1. Our (golf strength coaches) primary care is to prevent the "golf specific training" from hurting our golfers; swinging heavy golf clubs in a gym isn't going to do that. Just giving golfers "swing like" exercises isn't going to ⬆ their readiness & ⬇ risk to play 18 holes without pain.

2. Writing a perfect neat macrocycle like you would learn in exercise science class has absolutely 0 value if you're not able to ADAPT the session to the current & extremely variable personal situation the athlete is in.

3. Injury prevention training is designed to create more resiliency in the individual or athlete.

4. Core stability is designed to prevent motion from the core. Not about crunches on bosu balls. Curl-ups & crunch motions stresses the discs, mimics a potent disc injury mechanism, and unwisely uses pain-free training capacity.

👁‍🗨 My point is:

I don’t care about sexy, trendy or fashion (yup, that’s a thing in the fitness industry). I care about moving well and playing the long game!

If you've been orienting yourself to work together with a coach, to take 2021 to the next level and really take your ENJOYMENT & PERFORMANCE on and off the course as a priority, to be guided by an honest supportive mentor who is there for you through the ups and downs and who believes in you, then I just wanted to let you in that there are new one on one coaching spots available. This off season I decided to open up more spots then usual, because with the strategy that I've been implementing and optimising for a decade, the results are too incredible to not let any more golfers benefit from that. Sounds interesting to you? Send me an email to and I'm happy to hop on a call with you to discuss your possibilities!!


For clarification, please reach out via email. this post is intended to inspire and does not replace any formal education, experience & professional training.

I am concerned that these extremely short points shortchanges the reader as it simply cannot convey the components necessary to be an elite trainer but, at least, it may elevate awareness of some of the issues.

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