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Which muscles and joints are involved in the golf swing?

Foto van schrijver: Liesbeth Pauwels Liesbeth Pauwels

Which muscles and joints are involved in the golf swing?

Well, a safe answer would be: 'all of them'. Almost every joint and muscle is used at some point during the golf swing, making it a very complex movement. Logically, one could jump to the conclusion that we need train the muscles in isolation. But this is NOT the case. They function simultaneously to create a fluid explosive movement. Which is why my biggest coaching principle is this: Don't train muscles. Train movement.

The other 2 myths about golf fitness are:

1. It's complicated.

2. It should have golfish-looking exercises.

And I’d hate to see you be discouraged by that. The dynamic bodyweight step back lunge exercise proves the opposite.

It doesn’t look 'golflike' yet it’s super effective because it’s challenging the hip extension and hip flexion patterns, it targets motor control and develops a stronger stable lower body. It teaches us how to use the ground, maintain great posture and well... I could go on and on about the benefits. The step back lunge is a great for golfers who:

  • are new to golf fitness

  • are recovering from injury

  • need core stability

  • overuse their upper body & arms in the swing

  • are sitting too much

    • extended time sitting can lead to Lower Crossed Syndrome, a postural dysfunction typified by tight hip flexors & weak glutes. Which is not a good environment for playing your best golf.

  • fail the TPI single leg bridge test

Don’t forget: Challenge yourself but do not accept pain. Proper form, alignment and breathing quality is encouraged at all times.

In this current situation it might be ideal for you to start at your own pace with golf fitness training through my new online training course fundamental routines.

  • Learn everything you need to know to feel sharp and play 18 holes with confidence

  • Follow along routines that you can actually implement on a daily basis

  • Guaranteed exercises that are beneficial for your golf game

  • Improve swing kinematics and enhance consistency easily and effortlessly

  • Optimise your performance & avoid overuse golf injuries through a holistic approach

  • No complicated difficult yoga poses, only the most effective movements that are easy accessible for any golfer

  • Stop feeling stuck in training: build confidence, decrease tension, gain energy, infuse your game with power

These are some of the benefits which you will start to experience within the first weeks!!

Keep strong! Liesbeth Pauwels

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